Immigrants Honored for Contributing to Canada

Canadian Visa Professionals reveals the individuals who recently received the 2023 awards for the top 25 immigrants in Canada. According to Canadian Visa Professionals, the recipients of these awards have connected with their immediate Canadian community and contributed positively to it. Meet them and their country of origin: Ali Abukar is originally from Somalia. Paola […]
Banff and Jasper Are Two of Canada’s Many National Parks

Canada is not just a country that offers immigrants better economic opportunities but also a tourist destination for visitors. According to Canadian Visa Professionals, national parks are great tourist attraction centers in Canada. Immigrants rate their visits to Canadian national parks as their most memorable fun experience. The natural beauty of Canadian parks, with the […]
Canada’s Population Rises to Record 40 Million Residents

Canada’s population has reached a new milestone of 40 million residents. According to Canadian Visa Professionals, the immigration policy by the government has helped boost Canada’s population over the last decade. It came as a big surprise how fast it was for Canada’s population to reach her new 40-million milestone. A report from Statistics Canada […]
Cette Province Canadienne Va Doubler Le Nombre D’immigrants

Cette année, le gouvernement fédéral a l’intention de doubler le nombre d’immigrants fondés sur l’emploi admis à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. En d’autres termes, les places de résidence permanente dans cette province passeront de 1 500 à 3 050 en 2023. Selon Canadian Visa Professionals, ce plan a été élaboré parce que la province a rempli toutes ses […]
Work-Life Balance Important to People Living in Canada

Canadian Visa Professionals reported that the study indicated only adults under 35 will consider a pay cut in exchange for a 4-day work week. According to the study, more women also showed their concerns about the possibility of being paid less in a 4-day workweek model., a recruiting platform in Canada, embarked on a […]
Canada Is Now Home for Immigrant from Turkey

Many people have always wondered how easy it is for immigrants to settle in when they get to Canada. However, most immigrants who have shared their stories with Canadian Visa Professionals said they have been able to settle conveniently to the point of calling Canada their home. For example, at an event Saturday in Charlottetown […]
Canadian Immigration Policy Seeks More French-Speakers

The Canadian government is planning to increase Francophone immigration. The government believes this move will help the country with its French language capabilities. This plan will also help to protect the cultural identity of Canada, noted Canadian Visa Professionals. This new policy was presented in an action plan for official languages that is to span […]
Immigrant from Japan Says She Feels More Free in Canada

Altogether, 76% of all Japanese immigrants in Canada over the last two decades are women. Yuka Yamamoto Woods is one of the almost 14,000 women Japanese immigrants in Canada. The woman who arrived in Vancouver in 2006 said she feels freer living in Canada. Canadian Visa Professionals reported that she first came to Canada on […]
The Government of Canada is Supporting Canadians in Getting Active

The Canadian Government has shown its commitment to improving the activeness of Canadians from the playground to the podium. The support for sports is getting people moving. At the same time, the incredible support is bringing communities all over Canada together in the spirit of healthy competition. The Government recently announced the offering of $1,179,495 […]
48% of Canadian Employers have Increased their Salary Budgets

Amidst the ongoing worker shortage, employers in Canada continue to invest in their pay increase budgets. Employers are doing this to adapt to Canada’s highly competitive job market. Darcy Clark, the senior principal for compensation at Normandin Beaudry, made this statement. About 48% of Canadian employers said they’re raising their salary budget this year. This […]