Cette Province Canadienne Va Doubler Le Nombre D’immigrants

Cette année, le gouvernement fédéral a l’intention de doubler le nombre d’immigrants fondés sur l’emploi admis à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. En d’autres termes, les places de résidence permanente dans cette province passeront de 1 500 à 3 050 en 2023. Selon Canadian Visa Professionals, ce plan a été élaboré parce que la province a rempli toutes ses […]
Work-Life Balance Important to People Living in Canada

Canadian Visa Professionals reported that the study indicated only adults under 35 will consider a pay cut in exchange for a 4-day work week. According to the study, more women also showed their concerns about the possibility of being paid less in a 4-day workweek model. Talent.com, a recruiting platform in Canada, embarked on a […]
Aging Demographics Drive Demand for Canadian Immigration

Marco Mendicino, Canada’s federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, has announced a plan to fight against Canada’s demographic dilemma. More than nine million baby boomers will be at retirement age over the next ten years, which will create a labor shortage. If the challenges are not considered, healthcare costs could rise, pension payments will […]
More People Work in Canada’s Clean Energy Sector

The clean-energy field in Canada is expanding more quickly than the economy in its entirety. Other well-known industries are feeling the pressure of finding skilled workers due to the growth. A think-tank at Simon Fraser University, Clean Energy Canada, released a study showing a picture of the industry that people do not know much about. […]
Watch: Canadians Have Most Favorable Attitude Toward Immigrants

People living in Canada, no matter their political views, share positive views of newcomers, according to a report by the Washington-based Pew Research Center. Canadians view immigrants as a strength, not a burden. The director of ethnic, immigration and pluralism studies at the University of Toronto’s Munk School, Jeffery Reitz, said, “Canada is on the […]
Canadian Universities Among World’s Top 100 for 2019

Once again, several universities in Canada ranked high on the list as the best universities in the world. The University of Toronto, noted as the birthplace of stem cell and insulin research, was ranked 21st on the list. It is commonly listed in several publications as the number one Canadian university. The second Canadian institution […]
Canadians Get Financial Help from Philanthropists to Sponsor Refugees

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Jennifer Basu wanted to sponsor a refugee, but knew it would take several years to make it happen. She was happy to hear about money being donated for the cause, and within two months she was able to bring a refugee from the Middle East to Canada. Basu, along with a group of friends welcomed […]
Canada runs Business Differently Than the US

While Canada and the United States share a continent, there are many differences in the countries, especially in how they run their businesses. Watch the full video:
Canada’s Population Growing at Fastest Rate in Nearly 30 Years

Canada experienced the most substantial increase in decades by growing more than half a million people over the past year. Preliminary estimates were released by Statistics Canada that showed Canada’s population reached 37.1 million on July 1, 2018, an increase of 518,588 from one year earlier, making it the biggest gain since 1957. The 1.4 […]
The Best-Managed Businesses in Canada for 2018

Nobody should be surprised by the companies that made Canada’s 2018 Best Managed List. Finding the right employees is key to a company’s success