First Time Canada’s Economy Is More Competitive Than US

Canada has risen above the United States for the first time in the history of the world’s most competitive economies. Canada increased five places to 8th in the Swiss-based business school IMD’s yearly ranking. The United States fell from 3rd to 10th place, a seven-place drop. It is the worst place in a ranking the […]
Canada’s Economy More Competitive Than US Economy

Smaller countries are rising in the global competitive market. The director of the School of Transnational Governance at European University Institute, Alexander Stubb, said the success of these less than superpower economies is attributed to their open welfare state. “They are very transparent in the way they deal with things; they are globally oriented, and […]
Canada’s Workforce in Better Situation Than US Counterparts

While both Canada and the United States were negatively affected by the 2008 recession, Canada has had much better luck rebounding and improving.